Malaysia tak iktiraf ‘Peta Standard China Edisi 2023’

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia does not recognize China’s claim to the South China Sea as defined in the ‘China Standard Map 2023 Edition’, which includes Malaysia’s territorial waters.

Wisma Putra said in a statement: “The 2023 version of China’s standard map, which shows China’s unilateral maritime claims, does not include maritime territory in Malaysia’s Sabah and Sarawak and does not delimit Malaysia in any way.”

Certainly, Malaysia will maintain its position on maritime claims and delimitation in the South China Sea based on the new map based on the country’s maritime features or the foreign party’s sovereignty, sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction. Continue outside. Malaysian Claims 1979.

“Malaysia has consistently rejected any claim of sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction by any foreign party over our country’s maritime features or maritime areas based on the 1979 New Map of Malaysia.

“In this case, Malaysia does not recognize China’s claim to the South China Sea as defined in the ‘China Standard Map Version 2023’, which includes Malaysia’s territorial waters.

“The map does not bind Malaysia in any way. Malaysia views the South China Sea issue as a complex and sensitive issue.

The declaration emphasized a peaceful and rational solution to the problem through negotiations based on the provisions of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on Human Rights (UNCLOS 1982).

Yesterday, media reported that China’s Ministry of Natural Resources released the 2023 version of the Standard Map of China, which includes most of the reservoirs near Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia.

The map includes, among others, disputed territories, notably Arunachal Pradesh, the Aksai Chin region, Taiwan and the South China Sea.

It also includes the maritime areas of Malaysia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) from Sabah and Sarawak, Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Wisma Putra said Malaysia is committed to working together to ensure that the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties (DOC) in the South China Sea is comprehensively and effectively implemented.

“Malaysia is committed to an effective and substantial negotiation process of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC), as well as the rapid conclusion of the COC,” he said.

Previously, Dr. Uzmi Hassan, senior lecturer at NASR Nusantara Academy of BH Geoengineer and professor, said that China has rights over Malaysia’s waters, especially Sabah and Sarawak. Map version. 2023.

Since China claims 90 percent of the South China Sea, the latest map is taken from the location of the nine-dashed line, which is neither a new nor surprising move by China.

Dr Mohd Hazmi Mohd Risali, an international maritime law expert at the University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia (USIM), suggested that Malaysia should immediately protest China’s decision and that the country’s position since the last map should publish a new map. in 1979

The author’s mind still urges Wisma Putra to formally protest by inviting China’s ambassador to Malaysia to handle the dispute through bilateral or multilateral diplomatic channels as an effort to protect BH’s maritime sovereignty.

He said affected countries, especially neighboring countries, should oppose, challenge and condemn China’s actions against international law.

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