Abdul Hadi hanya jawab lima soalan polis

KUALA LUMPUR: PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang today decided to answer 19 questions from the police during the recording of their conversation in court.

A recording session was held at the PAS headquarters in Bakri, Johor, last month after Abdul Hadi’s speech in favor of the Amnesty Board’s mandate.

The Marang MP gave only five answers when Deputy Superintendent of Police Tan Sri Ayub Khan Madan questioned investigating officers from the Classified Crimes Investigation Department (USJD) at the Jalan Raja Lau Pass headquarters here. Of 24 questions. It will be provided.

Abdul Hadi told the USJT investigating officer that he would answer the court’s remaining 24 questions.

“They are being investigated under Section 233 of the Sedition Act 1948 and the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998,” he said at a press conference in Bukit Aman today.

Ayub Khan said the investigation documents are being finalized before he reports to the Attorney General’s office.

Based on the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for investigation of cases involving 3RS (Government, Religion and Caste), the duration of the police investigation is one week before its handover to the Attorney General’s Office.

“Charging him (Abdul Hadi) in court will depend on the decision of the Attorney General’s Office. We, the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), only work to investigate and enforce the law.” she said

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