‘CEO Cradle Fund berhasrat ceraikan isteri’ – pendakwa

PUTRAJAYA: Cradle Fund chief executive officer (CEO) Nasir Hassan, who was found dead in her house five years ago, wanted to divorce Sameera Muzaffar before the incident.

Prosecutors today filed an affidavit in the Court of Appeal challenging the High Court’s decision to acquit Samira and two youths in the murder case of the company’s CEO.

Deputy public prosecutor Datuk Usini Amar Abdul Karim said Nasr’s close friend Elisa Elias informed him about the couple’s marital problems and the wishes of the CEO of the company in question.

He said that Nazarin told prosecution witness number 29 (SP29), Elisa, about her divorce from Samira.

Furthermore, SP29 and SP47 (Nasreen’s personal assistant Noorlanisa Abdullah) told the court that when Nasreen started living with the first accused (Sameera), her work performance began to deteriorate.

“The CEOs involved had financial problems and a couple retired.

“Though the respondents (Sameera and two teenage children) tried to prove to the court that the couple is happily married, the truth is that Nasir is seeking a divorce from the first respondent,” she said.

They argued before a three-judge panel headed by Datuk Wazir Alam Medin Meera, who sat alongside Datuk Ahmad Zaidi Ibrahim and Datuk Asri Kamal Ramli.

Samira and two teenagers are alleged to have killed Indonesian national Aka Waheo Listari between 11.30pm on June 13, 2018 and 4am on June 14, 2018 at his home in Motiara Damansara, Nazarene. I was

On June 21, 2022, Judge Datuk ab Karim ab Rahman acquitted the trio, finding that the prosecution had not proven the first case against Samira, 48, and the girls, aged 17 and 20.

As stated in the charge sheet.

On February 14 of that year, the Kuala Lumpur Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) closed its case after calling 57 witnesses, including Edwin Kalan Anak Turaki. Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) forensic pathology officer Dr Chi Shufeng and Nazarene resident security guard Raju Kumar Pandit.

Usmani Amar said the High Court’s decision is not consistent with the facts and evidence presented by the prosecution.

“Based on the evidence presented, the appellant humbly submits that the evidence points to only one conclusion, namely, that all the respondents are responsible for the death of Nasri and none.

He said that the accused had the opportunity to kill Nasreen because the last person with Nasreen was the accused.

Meanwhile, Tan Sri Mohd Shafi Abdullah, lawyer for Samira and her two daughters, said the details of the divorce case raised by the plaintiff were unclear.

“In fact, evidence was found that there was a good relationship between the sister of the deceased Ali C Hassan (SP21), the driver of the deceased Ahmed Adri Abdul Rasheed (SP25), Nooralanissa (SP47) and Elissa (SP29). And the median Samira.

“In conclusion, there is no evidence that the injuries inflicted by the accused were the cause of Nasreen’s death,” he said.

The appeal will continue tomorrow.

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